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The eclipse is the biggest event in 819 years–the last time we had a full eclipse. Eclipse 2024 will cast its shadow across a significant portion of the continent–from Mexico to North America to Canada, and Indianapolis finds itself right in the path of totality, making it a hub for eclipse enthusiasts. And luckily for you, viewing it is as easy as stepping outside your abode and looking up.

On April 8, 2024, at 3:06 PM EDT, a total eclipse will occur—and Indianapolis will be right in the path of totality.


In order to participate safely, the Yosha Snyder Group reminds you of a few things to consider:

1. Look up now. See where the sun is about 3 p.m.  That will give you an idea if your viewing area is a good spot or if you need to travel a bit to see the sun.  According to Butler University, these are the times to remember–

  • Partial Eclipse Begins: 1:50:39 p.m.
  • Total Eclipse Begins: 3:06:11 p.m.
  • Maximum Totality: 3:08:02 p.m.
  • Total Eclipse Ends: 3:09:52 p.m.
  • Partial Eclipse Ends: 4:23:14 p.m

2. Be prepared. The best protection that allows a good viewing field is a pair of eclipse glasses. When the moon fully covers the sun, you won’t need them for a few seconds (and will be able to see the cornea of the sun with your eyes), the rest of the time you should invest in eclipse glasses.  Many locations are offering them, or you can order a pair yourself.  Just make sure that they are certified eyewear which is held to an international safety standard and is 100,000 times darker to block nearly all visible, infrared and ultraviolet light. They should be marked “ISO.” To be ISO-approved, solar eclipse glasses have to meet a host of requirements to protect your eyes. Many eclipse websites like and sell a variety of eyewear products, along with plenty of other gadgets one may need to see the eclipse. It’s not too late to get yours delivered in time.

3. DIY the eclipse.  If you like DIY and want to avoid getting trampled finding a pair of eclipse glasses at the last minute, consider making your own pinhole box before the eclipse.  Pinhole viewers are another popular DIY method for viewing solar eclipses safely. By poking a hole in a piece of card stock (with a pin or toothpick), you can construct a device that allows you to view the projections of the eclipse.

Check out Thinkery’s 2024 Solar Eclipse Joyful Learning Guide, created in partnership with The Joyful Learning Collaborative. The guide includes instructions for making pinhole viewers, along with several solar eclipse activities perfect for those with young kids.

4. Look down.  The eclipse will alter the shadows cast by the sun.  Stand near a tree and look at the shadows on the ground or, better yet, pull out the colander from the kitchen.  Stand with your back to the sun and hold the colander up over the ground. Its tiny holes will create a multitude of miniature eclipses.

5. Capture that image.  If you are an amateur photographer or a professional, the eclipse is a rare sight worth recording.  You need to check your devices beforehand to make sure you will capture the image you want.  Practice photographing the sun in advance to see how your phone or your camera will work best.  The Indiana Astronomical Society has lots of tips on how to capture the best image. However, they also smartly remind you to put the camera down for a minute or so and view it without a device. Your memory of it will be the best record.

6. Watching it with others. If you want to join the tens of thousands of visitors, you have lots of options.  Visit Indy has compiled a list of places like the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, Newfields, and city parks to view this historic event.

7. Immerse yourself. During the brief period of totality, take time to fully immerse yourself in the experience. Observe the changing colors in the sky, feel the temperature drop, and listen for any changes in the environment, such as birdsong ceasing. .

Indianapolis’s strategic location along with ample opportunities for viewing makes it an ideal destination for experiencing the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned astronomer or a casual observer, Indianapolis offers an experience for all who gather to witness this awe-inspiring cosmic event. Wherever you go to observe it, be prepared with a full tank of gas because the Hoosier Capitol is destined to welcome friends and family to join in the celebration. 

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